A credit card refers to a credit card in which the issuing bank gives the cardholder a certain credit limit, within which the cardholder can spend first and then repay. Quasi-credit card refers to a credit card in which the cardholder first deposits a certain amount of reserve fund according to the requirements of the bank, and when the reserve fund is insufficient to pay, it can be overdrawn within the credit limit stipulated by the issuing bank.
Debit cards are divided into transfer cards, special cards and stored value cards according to different functions. Debit cards cannot be overdrawn. The transfer card has the functions of transfer, cash deposit and withdrawal and consumption. A special card is a debit card used in a specific area and for special purposes (referring to uses other than department stores, restaurants and entertainment industries). It has the functions of transferring money and depositing and withdrawing cash. Stored value card is a prepaid wallet debit card in which the bank transfers funds to the card for storage according to the cardholder's requirements, and directly deducts money from the card during the transaction.