1. Performance Appraisal System
The assessment indicators can be composed of weighted indicators and non-weighted indicators
1. Weighted indicators
Reflect the performance of the department or The core value of the position reflects the strategic orientation of the enterprise, enables departments and employees to work in the direction expected by the organization, complete organizational or individual performance goals, and thereby contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.
Weight indicators are divided into process indicators and result indicators. The former is used to evaluate the work process behavior of the person being assessed and is suitable for the assessment of the completion of the target task; the latter is used to evaluate the work results of the person being assessed. Result indicators are further divided into quantitative indicators and qualitative indicators.
In order to reflect the company's development strategic orientation, it is not advisable to choose too many weighted indicators, otherwise the weight of the core indicators will be diluted. Some indicators can be designed to not account for weight. Such indicators are called non-weighted indicators. .
2. Non-weighted indicators
The matters assessed are generally not routine work. If they are assessed as weighted indicators, it will have an impact on the direction of performance appraisal, but the occurrence of the matter It has great significance and influence on the realization of organizational and departmental strategic goals, so the assessment of such indicators adopts a non-weighted form.
Non-weighted indicators include veto indicators, reward indicators and reward and punishment indicators.
Case presentation
2. Salary system
The salary composition ratio of general sales staff is 50% fixed and 50% floating. Of course, there are also 46 or 37. It depends on whether the company wants to increase incentives or emphasize stabilizing the team.