1, choose the bank you often use to apply for a credit card.
Generally speaking, choose the bank to which your salary card belongs, so that the bank will know your financial situation and will be much faster in credit card review. This will not only increase the amount, but also make the next payment much faster.
2. Choose an advantageous credit card.
Some credit cards require age, some require income, and some require assets. Therefore, before choosing a credit card, you should see clearly which requirement you have the most advantage, so that you can pass the examination more quickly if you do what you like.
3. Choose a good application channel
Generally speaking, it is faster to apply for a credit card online than offline. So you can consider applying online.
4. The information is complete, true and effective.
Needless to say, if the information is incorrect, you have to call back and fill it in again, which is a waste of time. If it is false information, it will be even more troublesome, and it is very likely to be rejected, leaving a bad credit record.