To apply for a credit card, you need to be aged 18-65 and provide proof of income, ID card, and proof of address. The most important thing is proof of income. The bank needs to determine whether you have the ability to repay. Generally, even ordinary working people should have a credit card limit of 5,000. But if you want to repay it in installments over a year, it is better to apply for a loan than a credit card. For a credit card, there is only an interest-free period of 28-30 days after you withdraw it within the limit. If you do not repay the interest within this period, the interest will increase more and more every month without end. If you only pay the minimum payment every month, in fact, you will Only 30% of the principal is repaid every month, and the remaining 70% is interest. If you repay it over the course of a year and take it as a loan, then at least you have a fixed interest rate every month. You can calculate the amount of interest and principal you repay each month at once. You know it in your heart, but with a credit card, it is endless and cannot be calculated. The credit card is only suitable for emergencies. You can pick it up and return it immediately.
You can refer to the above to see how you choose. I used to work in a bank. I hope I can help you