Although credit cards are convenient, they should be used reasonably. Because credit cards can be overdrawn at will within the limit, many people who have no sense of self-discipline overdraw too much but are unable to repay their debts, so many credit card repayment businesses have gradually emerged to help these uncontrolled people repay their debts on their behalf. Under normal circumstances, you need to pay off the debts you owe, and others just violate the rules for you, just like paying off a credit card. Its appearance broke the credit card repayment rules and brought many hidden dangers.
The illegal credit card repayment business has grown quietly because of the large market. Many credit card repayment institutions even set up virtual trading platforms to repay credit cards for cardholders through virtual transactions, which is actually an operation of "robbing Peter to pay Paul". The actual debt of the cardholder has not been eliminated, but these repayment institutions have made huge profits from it. Moreover, in the repayment operation, the cardholder's sensitive information will be leaked, which also poses a great threat to the cardholder's property security.
Cases of stolen credit cards and even routine loans are not uncommon. In the final analysis, the cardholder did the illegal operation, which caused the consequences of information leakage. Credit card overdraft is much safer than small loans, so you can overdraw your credit card completely, but you should repay it in time on your own, and don't repay it illegally, which will bring hidden dangers to your property.