You can transfer money to a credit card, and transferring money to a credit card is equivalent to returning the credit card. But if the current bill has been paid off, the money transferred to the card will become overpaid. When using a credit card, the system will give priority to deducting the overpaid part, and only after deducting the overpaid part will the available credit card be deducted. It is recommended not to transfer the money to the credit card unless it is repayment, because there is no interest on overpayment.
Users should note that if the current bill of the credit card has been paid off, the funds transferred into the card will become overpaid. When using a credit card, the system will give priority to deducting the overpayment. After deducting the overpayment, the available credit limit of the credit card will be deducted, but there is no interest on the overpayment. Unless it is for repayment, users are advised not to transfer money to credit cards.
Persistence means that after you have a credit card, you should insist on long-term credit card consumption. It is best to have a credit card spending limit every month for more than three consecutive months. Don't freeze it for a long time. The frequency is to swipe your card anywhere you can, regardless of the amount. The more credit card times and services, the better. If you swipe your card at one time, it is easy for banks to think that there is a suspicion of cash withdrawal by credit card, and it is difficult to increase the quota.
Insist on applying and seize the opportunity to apply, and have both. For credit card users, you can insist on telephone application to increase the credit card limit, because different customer service or staff have slightly different attitudes and principles in handling this application. Maybe the last one failed and the next one passed. Sticking to the record left by telephone application will also help to increase the application amount in the future.
Threaten to use a pin card or suspend sleep. When your application has been rejected many times, you can consider using this trick. Tell the customer service or staff of the bank directly that if the credit card limit cannot meet the actual needs, you will consider returning the card. It is best to present some facts, of course, the attitude should not be too bad, and it is best to combine hard and soft, so that it is easy to get room for discussion and consultation.