3 days. The repayment grace period for Industrial Bank credit cards is three days, that is, the cardholder needs to repay the debt to Industrial Bank before 18:00 on the third day of overdue payment to avoid overdue payment. On-time repayment within the grace period is equivalent to normal repayment and will not have any adverse effects on credit card users.
A credit card stipulated by Chinese law is an electronic payment card issued by a commercial bank or other financial institution that has all or part of the functions of consumer payment, credit loan, transfer settlement, cash deposit and withdrawal, etc. Credit card consumption is a non-cash transaction payment method. There is no need to pay cash when consumption, but repayment is made on the bill date.
What are the conditions for suspending interest payments on Industrial Credit Cards?
1. The bank confirms that the cardholder's credit card debt significantly exceeds his repayment ability. For example, the debt amount reaches 20,000, and the cardholder only has a salary income of 2,000 per month and has no other sources. income. In this case, the amount owed clearly exceeds the cardholder's ability to repay.
2. If the cardholder requests to suspend the payment, he must provide sufficient reasons. For example, the cardholder is unable to repay due to unexpected reasons such as unemployment or illness.
3. After the card holder is overdue, he must show his willingness to repay, contact the bank promptly, explain the specific reasons for being unable to repay on time, and negotiate a solution.