1. Slide the mobile phone shortcut switch down, find the edit button, click the edit button, enter the shortcut switch menu, find the NFC icon, and light the NFC icon.
2. Find the wallet application on the home page of the mobile phone, and click to enter the wallet page.
3. I found two options in my service: transportation and smart card.
4. On the traffic page, select a bus, click the "+"sign in the upper right corner, and add a card.
5. Check this card to set it as the default card, and click Finish (default card means that when there are multiple cards, you can use this card directly for payment by default, and you can leave it unchecked if you don't want to default).
6. When you need to take the subway or bus, just turn on the nfc of your mobile phone and gently touch the card reader to complete the payment.