Credit card TC refers to the credit card transaction code. Each credit card transaction has a unique code, so that banks and merchants can track and record the transactions of card holders. TC codes are generated by credit card companies and are included in every transaction. This code can help detect credit card fraud and errors.
Credit card transaction codes can help banks and businesses identify the transactions of card holders and help prevent fraud. By checking the status of the transaction and the relevant TC code, the stolen transaction can be found in time and the risk of fraud can be prevented. Moreover, merchants and banks can also use TC codes to classify transactions for reporting and analysis.
If you want to check the TC code of a credit card, you can find it on each credit card transaction receipt. There should be a line with the word "TC" in the receipt. If you find any suspicious transactions in the credit card bill, you should contact the bank immediately so that they can investigate these transactions and cancel the transactions that may be stolen.