Generally speaking, when applying for a credit card, there is a return visit by phone.
Some calls were made to the applicant but not the contact person, and some were called to the contact person but not the applicant.
In general, when banks return visits, they mainly check and simply verify the applicant's basic information, work situation, and whether there are any bad habits.
In addition, some banks will have salesmen come to the company to do business, and the applicant will handle the application directly at the salesperson. The other party will take photos of the company's operations, photos with the applicant, etc. Then when the bank calls back for a follow-up visit later, Just simply confirm the information and won't ask many questions.
The return call will generally ask you a few questions, which may involve whether you have applied for credit cards from other banks. You will also be asked about your account location and the address for receiving letters.
You must ensure the correctness of your answers when answering, because the bank may verify your information. If there are errors or the information does not match the information you applied for a credit card, the bank may reject your application. Apply.