Full repayment before the last repayment date does not generate interest. The final repayment date of CCB credit card is the 20th day after the bill date. Your credit card bill date is 7 days (fixed), which means
The bill 12.7 is generated, and the transactions during the period of1.8-12.7 are recorded. The final repayment date is the 20th day after12.7, that is, 12.27.
A bill 1.7 is generated, and the transactions during the period of 12.8- 1.7 are recorded. The final repayment date is the 20th day after 1.7, that is, 1.27.
And so on.
Obviously, 12.7 has the shortest interest-free period of 20 days on the billing date (12.7, 12.27), and 12.8 has the longest interest-free period of 50 days on the first day after the billing date (12.8,/. It should be noted that credit card consumption has an interest-free period, while cash withdrawal has no interest-free period.