1. First of all, 95558 is the customer service hotline of China CITIC Bank. If you want to transfer manually, you can dial 95558. 2. Then wait for the connection and press the "1" button to select CITIC Bank. 3. Then press the "0" key to select the manual customer service phone number. 4. Finally, just wait for the call to connect.
How to transfer CITIC Bank customer service number to manual
CITIC Bank mobile phone 95558 can be dialed. When dialing, customers must make sure that the number itself does not have spaces. If there are spaces, it may The reminder cannot be reached. In addition, if the customer is really blocked due to the Internet, he can add the telephone area code before 95558 and try to see if the call can be made. If the online customer service agent is currently busy and no one is available to answer the call, the user can choose to dial 95558 within another period to avoid the peak period as much as possible.
The CITIC Bank credit card manual customer service hotline is open 24 hours a day, and it can be switched to manual according to the voice broadcast. According to the requirements of CITIC Bank, the CITIC Bank credit card customer service hotline is 40088-95558, which provides 24-hour services to CITIC Bank credit card users, including transaction enquiries, points check, application for credit limit withdrawals and other services.