An overdue credit card may have a negative impact on your car loan. Importantly, overdue repayment records will be entered into an individual's credit report, forming a bad credit record. During the car loan approval process, lending institutions usually strictly examine the applicant's credit status, and a bad credit record may result in the loan application being rejected. Therefore, if your credit card is overdue, you need to solve the problem first, that is, pay off the overdue amount as soon as possible to improve your personal credit record.
Car loans may not be available until the overdue record is eliminated. Overdue records are usually retained on credit reports for three years. After this period, their impact will gradually weaken. During this waiting period, you can work hard to improve your credit score, such as repaying your loan on time and avoiding new overdue records, so that your chances of success in car loan applications may increase after your credit is restored.
In summary, overdue credit cards not only affect your current car loan application, but you also need to actively repair your credit to prepare for future loans. It is possible to consider a car loan after the delinquency history has been eliminated or at least the impact has weakened. Therefore, for users with past due records, the first priority is to restore good credit status.