In life, many people will apply for a credit card, because it is very convenient to use a credit card to make purchases. Many people also know that personal credit report is very important. If the personal credit report has too many default records, then you cannot get a loan from the bank. So do you know the connection between personal credit information and credit cards?
1. Personal credit report is not equal to credit card
Many people think that personal credit report is credit card credit. In fact, this is not the case. Personal credit report refers to your personal credit in all transactions. The resulting credit record, if you default, may leave a stain on your personal credit report. A credit card is a card issued by a bank. You can use your credit card to make purchases, and you have to pay off the charges next month. Therefore, personal credit reporting collects everyone's information through a third-party agency so that a credit reporting report can be formed when needed, or provided to credit agencies for use. A credit card is a financial instrument that can be used for consumption, and the two are not equivalent.
2. Credit cards affect personal credit reporting
When you want to get a large loan from a bank, the bank will definitely review your qualifications. At this time, it will need your personal information. Credit report. If your credit card is not paid off, an overdue record will appear on your credit report, and then you will not be able to get a loan from the bank. Because the bank will think that your financial strength is relatively poor, if you apply for a loan, you will not be able to repay the loan, which will cause the bank to have a bad debt and cause the bank's interests to suffer. So at this time, the credit card will affect your personal credit report and make you unable to get a loan from the bank.
3. Summary
So after spending with a credit card, you must pay off the credit card bill on time to avoid overdue payment. If it is overdue for too long, the default record will be reported by the bank to the central bank's credit reporting system, and then a credit card overdue record will appear in your personal credit report. If there are too many stains on your personal credit report, it will have a serious impact on your future life.