When applying for a credit card, your landline phone number is an important verification step. Without a landline, the difficulty of passing the review increases significantly. Banks usually conduct follow-up calls to confirm the applicant's employment and solvency, especially with the employer. Therefore, even if you do not have a landline at home, you should consider providing the landline number of a relative or friend, as long as it can prove your identity. The company phone number is the preferred contact method for banks.
It should be noted that frequently applying for credit cards is not a good strategy to increase your credit limit. Multiple credit card limits from the same bank are exclusive. Frequent applications may cause the bank to doubt your financial status, which may lead to a decrease in the limit. At the same time, if you already have a lot of low-limit cards, your new application may be affected by the authorized limit, and the approval limit may be adjusted. When choosing a bank, in addition to paying attention to the type of credit card, you should also pay attention to the different handling fees for cash withdrawals and cash installments to avoid additional fees.
In summary, while not having a landline can present challenges, there is still a chance of successfully applying for a credit card by providing proper and verifiable contact information and being careful with your credit card application strategy.