When using a credit card, if you can repay in full and on time, it will not affect your personal credit information. If your mortgage has been approved, the rational use of credit cards will generally not affect the loan lending. The basic process of mortgage loan is as follows:
On-the-spot house inspection: loan officers, intermediaries, appraisers, buyers and sellers go to the houses applying for mortgage loans to conduct on-the-spot house inspection; Property right verification;
The property owner and co-owner (seller) bring the original ID card and real estate license to the Housing Authority for inspection and go through the relevant formalities.
Signing: the bank carefully checks and verifies the original information of customers, authenticates the authenticity of all the signatories, supervises the signature of customers, collects the original real estate license and deposit (the specific amount is determined by the buyer and the seller), copies the information, and reminds both parties to handle accounts in the bank;
Fill in the contract: the bank sorts out the information and fills in the contract according to the relevant information provided by the customer;
Payment obligation: after the bank has passed the pre-examination, notify the customer to pay the fee;
Transfer of property rights: the buyer and the seller go through the formalities of property rights transfer with the help of the Housing Authority; The Lender prepares relevant materials to go through the mortgage formalities at the bank; Bank loan.
Second, will the mortgage be repaid after the first trial?
No, after the first trial, you need to pass the final trial before you can lend money. Generally, mortgage loans need to be audited by banks at all levels. The first trial is the first trial of the bank manager, and the final trial is the final trial of the temporary loan. When the final review is passed, the loan will be fine, and there will be several levels of review in the middle. Banks are different, but they will be audited many times. \ \ Personal housing mortgage loan conditions: permanent residence in cities and towns or valid residence status; Have a stable occupation and income, good credit, and the ability to repay the loan principal and interest on schedule; Self-raised funds of more than 20% of the total price of the house purchased, and guaranteed to be used to pay the down payment of the house purchased; Taking assets recognized by banks as collateral or pledge, or taking units or individuals with sufficient compensatory capacity as guarantors to repay the principal and interest of loans and bear joint and several liabilities; , there is a purchase contract or agreement, and the price of the purchased house basically conforms to the evaluation value of the bank or the real estate appraisal agency entrusted by the bank; Other conditions stipulated by the bank. \ \ Materials to be provided when applying for mortgage: husband and wife's ID card, household registration book/temporary residence permit, foreigner's household registration book, marriage certificate/divorce certificate or judgment/single certificate, income certificate (in the format specified by the bank), copy of employer's business license (with official seal), and credit certificate: including education certificate, other real estate, bank running water, large deposit certificate, etc. If the borrower is an enterprise legal person, it must also provide annual inspection.
Third, will the mortgage be repaid after the first trial?
No, after the first trial, you need to pass the final trial before you can lend money. The handling of general mortgage loans needs to be audited by banks at all levels, and the final audit is the final audit of temporary loans. Once the final review is passed, the loan is no problem, and there will be several levels of review in the middle. Banks are different, but there will be a lot of audits.
Personal housing mortgage loan conditions:
1, with the ability of loan principal and interest for urban permanent residence or valid residence status;
3. Ensure that the self-raised funds of more than 20% of the total price of the purchased house are used to pay the down payment of the purchased house;
4. Take the assets recognized by the bank as collateral or pledge, or have enough compensation interest, and bear joint and several liabilities.
5. There is a purchase contract or agreement, and the purchase price basically conforms to the evaluation value of the bank or the real estate appraisal agency entrusted by the bank;
6. Other conditions stipulated by the bank.
Information to be provided when applying for mortgage:
1. Couple ID card, household registration book/temporary residence permit, and foreigner household registration book.
Two copies of marriage certificate/divorce certificate or judgment/single certificate.
3. Proof of income (bank refers to
4. Copy of the business license of the unit (with official seal)
5. Credit certificate: including education certificate, other real estate, bank running water, large deposit certificate, etc.
6. If the borrower is an enterprise legal person, it must also provide the annual business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, articles of association and financial statements.
Fourth, will the mortgage be repaid after the first trial?
No, after the first trial, you need to pass the final trial before you can lend money. Generally, mortgage loans need to be audited by banks at all levels. The first trial is the first trial of the bank manager, and the final trial is the final trial of the temporary loan. When the final review is passed, the loan will be fine, and there will be several levels of review in the middle. Banks are different, but they will be audited many times.
Personal housing mortgage loan conditions:
1, with urban permanent residence or valid residence status;
2. Have a stable occupation and income, good credit, and the ability to repay the loan principal and interest on schedule;
3. Ensure that the self-raised funds of more than 20% of the total price of the purchased house are used to pay the down payment of the purchased house;
4. Take the assets recognized by the bank as collateral or pledge, or take the units or individuals with sufficient compensatory capacity as guarantors to repay the loan principal and interest and bear joint and several liabilities;
5. There is a purchase contract or agreement, and the purchase price basically conforms to the evaluation value of the bank or the real estate appraisal agency entrusted by the bank;
6. Other conditions stipulated by the bank.
Information to be provided when applying for mortgage:
1. Couple ID card, household registration book/temporary residence permit, and foreigner household registration book.
Two copies of marriage certificate/divorce certificate or judgment/single certificate.
3 proof of income (format specified by the bank)
4. Copy of the business license of the unit (with official seal)
5. Credit certificate: including education certificate, other real estate, bank running water, large deposit certificate, etc.
6. If the borrower is an enterprise legal person, it must also provide the annual business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, articles of association and financial statements.