Applying for multiple credit cards at the same time may affect your credit score. If you apply for credit cards intensively in a short period of time, a large number of inquiry records will be left on your credit report. When the bank's risk control staff learns that they have applied for a large number of credit cards, their first impression is that this person is short of money recently. Once the bank determines that the applicant is a customer short of funds, it will definitely not give the applicant a credit card. Having multiple credit cards can affect your mortgage. When applying for a loan, the bank will check the applicant's credit information, which is divided into loan application, credit card application, guarantee qualification review, etc. Card management is difficult to overdue. Too many cards make it difficult to manage. Credit cards generally have annual fees. You need to swipe your card a certain number of times or a certain amount to avoid the annual fee. If you don't swipe the card often or for an insufficient amount, you'll be responsible for the loss of the annual fee. Increased likelihood of brush theft. Holding multiple credit cards is not only difficult to manage, but also greatly increases the possibility of theft. If you are not careful, not only will you not get additional benefits, but you will lose more.
1. Credit card consumption is a non-cash transaction payment method. No need to pay cash when consumption, repayment on the day of payment. Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. A credit card refers to a credit card where the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can make purchases before repaying within the credit limit; a quasi-credit card refers to a cardholder who deposits a certain amount of petty cash as required, and when the balance in the petty cash account is insufficient to pay , a quasi-credit card that allows overdraft within a specified credit limit. Credit card generally just refers to credit card.
2. The credit line refers to the credit line that the bank gives to its basic customers, that is, the company can collect so much money within the specified time. For example, if an enterprise applies for an export documentary draft of US$2 million every year, it can use US$10 million five times (the procedure only needs to be completed once, and other procedures are very simple). If used ten times, $20 million can be used. On the one hand, it solves the short-term capital turnover difficulties of enterprises, increases the speed of corporate capital turnover, and improves the efficiency of corporate capital use.