To apply for a credit card, you need to present your own ID card to apply for it. You cannot use other people's ID cards to apply for a credit card for yourself or for others.
When applying for a credit card at a bank, bank staff will check based on your ID card information whether you are applying for the card in person. You must provide the original ID card of the applicant, and at the same time, the applicant's signature must be provided before the application can be processed. credit card. Even if you apply for a credit card online, you still need to go to the bank for an interview to confirm that it is you who needs the credit card. Extended information
If you need to take a photo or scan your face, you will definitely not be able to apply for a credit card unless you do it yourself. ?
If you are simply asked to fill in your own information, then someone can indeed fill in the credit card application information with your mobile phone and your ID card, and you can even check the information through a return visit to the bank's credit card center.
However, credit cards applied online or through mobile phones need to be activated through the bank's credit card processing specialist or at the bank counter. When activating, you are required to hold your ID card. Activating a credit card is a requirement. Verify the identity of the person and take a photo to keep.
So if someone else uses your mobile phone to apply for a credit card, even if the application is successful, it cannot be activated or used. However, you should also pay attention to protecting your mobile phone, ID card, etc. If you find it lost, you should report the loss of your mobile phone as soon as possible. Report lost ID card.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Credit Card