Hello, it is recommended to pay off the debt in time. Banks mainly use the following five methods for credit card collection:
First, SMS collection. It is mainly aimed at the overdue repayment behavior of early cardholders, which is generally 7 to 15 days overdue. SMS mainly serves as a reminder.
Second, phone collection. Mainly for overdue behavior that exceeds 30 days and lasts for more than one billing period, telephone reminders are provided for repayment.
Third, door-to-door collection. Mainly for overdue payments of more than 90 days, the bank will arrange collection personnel to visit the cardholder's residence or work address to collect repayment.
Fourth, court prosecution. Mainly if the card is overdue for more than six months, the bank will apply to the court and require the cardholder to sue for repayment.
Fifth, outsource collection. Mainly for overdue funds of more than one year, the bank will package the overdue funds and give them at a discount to an outsourced collection company, which will be responsible for collecting overdue debts.
It should be noted that the bank’s recovery preferential activities are generally for the penalty and interest portion, and the principal is generally not eligible. For example, the discount method adopted by China Minsheng Bank last year to encourage repayment is also a disguised collection strategy. It mainly targets cardholders who are more than one year old and have relatively large overdue penalty interest. The bank will reduce or reduce the penalty interest to encourage cardholders. Cardholders repay as soon as possible to protect the safety of bank principal. Short-term overdue cardholders generally cannot enjoy this policy.