Paying off a credit card one day late is not considered overdue, because credit cards have a grace period of three to five days for repayment, which means you can pay off your credit card three days late. For example, if your credit card repayment date is the 10th of each month, you can postpone the payment until the 13th.
Bank regulations: Credit card repayments require customers to repay according to the due repayment date listed on the bill.
Taking into account the transfer time difference and other reasons, if it can be ensured that the repayment is due on If the repayment funds arrive before 16:00 Beijing time on the third day in the future, it will still be regarded as normal repayment, and there will be no overdue record.
In order to avoid late repayment affecting personal credit, it is recommended to arrange credit card repayment in advance.
If the debt has not been paid off after the repayment grace period, the payment is overdue. Interest will be accrued on the relevant consumption transactions from the date when the consumption was recorded, and compound interest will be accrued on a monthly basis. If the customer's repayment amount is less than the minimum repayment amount, a repayment penalty will be paid based on a certain proportion of the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount.
If the customer fails to repay the minimum credit card repayment amount on time and in full, resulting in overdue information, the bank will report it to the Financial Information Database of the People's Bank of China in accordance with regulations.
Credit cards can be paid off a few days later, but some higher-level or special credit cards do not have this service. Therefore, it is best to pay off the bill before the specified repayment date. If you have to pay it off a few days later, days, it is recommended to contact the bank in advance to confirm whether there is a grace period for repayment.
In fact, it is very convenient to use a credit card. It is easy to use if you understand its repayment rules and interest and other related issues. Credit cards have a fixed repayment date every month, also called the statement date. Generally, the payment date is The 20th day after the payment date is the final repayment date. If you pay off all the debt before the final repayment date, you can enjoy interest-free. If the repayment period is exceeded, your debt will accrue a certain amount of interest every day, and The longer the time, the higher the interest. In addition, credit cards have loan limits, which vary depending on the bank and type of credit card you apply for.
The role of credit cards:
It makes people’s lives easier and saves the trouble of carrying cash. There are no geographical restrictions on the use of credit cards. No matter when you swipe your card anywhere in the country, as long as you have UnionPay logos can be swiped, and there is no handling fee;
You can participate in various preferential and discount activities cooperated by merchants and banks;
Points obtained by swiping card purchases can be exchanged for gifts;< /p>
Timely repayment after swiping the card can improve personal bank credibility.
Uses of credit cards:
1. Shopping.
2. Microcredit.
3. Save money.
4. Save money when shopping.
5. Credit card value-added services, get cheap insurance and travel.
6. Credit certificate.
Disadvantages of credit cards:
Swiping a card is not like spending money one by one like paying with cash. Spending with a card can easily blur the cardholder's concept of money, leading to blind consumption;
If the cardholder cannot repay on time, the bank will charge high interest;
Credit cards basically default to password-free payment, which makes it easy to be lost or stolen. Being stolen by others, causing unnecessary trouble or losses;
Long-term malicious debt will naturally affect your personal credit record and even be blacklisted by the bank. If you want to borrow money from the bank to buy a house or a car in the future, you will have to There is a possibility of being rejected by the bank.