Even if you report the loss of your credit card, it does not mean that all the business of the credit card has been terminated, nor does it mean that the credit card account has been completely frozen. Credit cards cannot be used for credit card consumption, cash withdrawal, etc. , but transfer repayment is still acceptable, and the bank will not suspend repayment due. If the cardholder fails to repay the loan according to the specified amount on the repayment due date, the bank will treat it as overdue as a credit card. It will seriously affect the cardholder's personal credit record.
Because most banks need to charge for reissuing credit cards and re-mailing credit cards, some people don't choose to reissue them if they find it troublesome. Therefore, after the credit card is lost, it must be reported in time, otherwise the card will be stolen, the magnetic stripe information of the card will be copied, and the card will be forged.
But it would be nice if there were no debts. Credit cards have an expiration date. As for what you said, the credit card may have expired long ago.