Although there are ways to waive the annual credit card fee, if you have too many credit cards in your hand, it will be more troublesome to manage, and you may forget to swipe your card and charge a high handling fee. Therefore, if you have one more credit card, you really won't use it again. You'd better cancel or cancel your account.
Many people don't understand the difference between credit card cancellation and account cancellation, and don't know which one to choose.
Card cancellation means the cancellation of a single card. The cancellation of the credit card in the cardholder's name will not affect your use of other bank cards, but the bank will keep your name, address, credit status and other information. If you want to apply for the bank's credit card next time, you will be regarded as an old user and will not enjoy the discount for new customers.
Closing an account means eliminating all your account information in this bank. If you have two credit cards and cancel them together, the bank will no longer keep your name, credit status and other information. If you apply for a credit card in the bank next time, you will be regarded as a new customer and enjoy the card opening discount.
The suggestion is that if you have more than one credit card or savings card of this bank, choose to cancel it; If you only have the only credit card in this bank, and you won't use it again in the future, choose to cancel your account.
The process of returning the card is very simple. Just call the customer service of the credit card and it will be done soon. The credit card in your hand is useless and can be destroyed by yourself. However, before that, cardholders still have some things to pay attention to.
First of all, it depends on whether there are outstanding debts and overflow deposits in your credit card. If you owe money, you must pay it off before you can cancel your card or account. If there is an overflow of deposits, you must spend them first.
Second, see how many credit card points you have and what gifts you can exchange, otherwise the points will be gone and wasted after canceling the card and account.
Third, see if there are any bad records of credit cards in the past, such as overdue records. If so, it is best not to cancel the card or account, because bad records will always exist. In this case, it is recommended to continue to use the credit card until the credit record is covered by the new consumption record after 5 years.