Having a credit card from a bank is not a prerequisite for a loan. If you don’t have a credit card from that bank, you can still apply for a loan from that bank. However, holding a credit card from this bank may provide you with additional benefits when applying for a loan, such as:
1. Improve your credit score: Holding a credit card issued by this bank will improve your repayment history and credit performance A score can be assigned to your credit assessment when applying for a loan.
2. Increase the success rate of application: Holding a credit card from the bank and having a good credit record will increase the success rate of loan application.
3. Strengthen customer relationships: Banks may consider your loyalty and trustworthiness as a long-term customer when deciding whether to grant you a loan. If you are already a credit card holder with that bank, this may also help with your loan application.
But it should be noted that loan approval also depends on many factors, such as your income, credit history, application amount, etc., not just whether you hold a bank credit card.