Specifically divided into the following situations:
First, the applicant didn't get a credit card. The applicant has just completed the online application, the bank has not sent the card or applied through the agency channel, and the salesman has not submitted the information. At this time, the applicant can call the customer service center that handles the card and put forward an application to cancel the credit card. Note that at this time, he must be clear about his position. If he entrusts a salesman to handle it, he can also call the salesman to apply for cancellation. In this case, the cancellation of credit cards has little effect on individuals.
The second situation is that the applicant has received an invalid credit card. For the new credit card, if it has not been activated, there is no need to cancel it. The general activation period is within one year from the date of issuing the card. If it is not activated for more than a specified time, the credit card will automatically become invalid.
The third kind of credit card is in use, so you must be prepared before canceling it. First, you need to pay off all credit card debts, and then call customer service. According to the voice prompt, you can manually apply for credit card cancellation.