2. The credit card center staff of the head office and tier-one branches are treated the same as other departments, but the subordinate branches are much worse!
3. There are several kinds of so-called "data mining": First, if the technical department set up by the head office is mixed with the establishment (if the performance of "outsourcing" is good for one year, it is hard to say when it will become a regular job), its treatment is not generally good! Second, the management-oriented business departments established by tier-one branches have the same or slightly worse treatment than ordinary bankers; Third, the inferior branch, then there is no treatment. Looking at the average performance of other sex card salesmen, the treatment is relatively poor. ...
For supplementary questions:
It is said that joint-stock banks usually have only two kinds of staff, namely, internal staff and external staff, plus temporary work (such as drivers, plumbers, etc. ). In large state-owned banks, the "second situation" you mentioned exists, that is to say, the staff of the head office are not included. However, due to the large number of branches, it is necessary to add formal staff to fill the vacancy, thus resulting in branch staff, whose treatment is basically the same as that of the head office.