1. Credit cards require swiping to make purchases and withdraw cash to incur handling fees and interest. In other words, these fees will not be charged if you do not use them. However, don’t forget that credit cards charge annual fees. Some cardholders only swipe the card once after activating the card and have to pay an annual fee of 100 yuan the next year. If the annual fee is not paid in time, bad records will be left and it will affect future loan business. If your credit card is no longer in use, you need to call the bank's credit card service hotline to cancel it to prevent the credit card from being stolen and the accumulation of annual fees causing arrears.
2. For credit cards, no annual fee will be deducted for ordinary credit cards that have not been activated. However, if it is a special card type such as a platinum card, it does not rule out that fees will be deducted as long as the signature is confirmed before activation, either as a production fee or an annual fee, and the annual fee of the platinum card is also much higher than that of ordinary credit cards. Often more than 1,000 yuan/year. If you have a platinum credit card, be sure to consult customer service about charging the annual fee to avoid being deducted if it is not activated and forming a bad record.
3. Even if the activated credit card "sleeps", the annual fee is still an unavoidable hurdle. In order to attract cardholders, most banks will offer discounts that waive annual fees for the first year. And if the card consumption reaches a certain number or amount, the annual fee will be waived the following year. But it is these additional conditions and exemptions that make many cardholders become careless and leave their activated cards idle. If the number of card swipes or the amount required by the bank is not reached, the annual fee will be deducted in the second year.
4. At present, most banks charge an annual fee of 10-20 yuan per year for ordinary debit cards. Some "sleeping cards" that have not been used for a long time are no exception. Arrears. At this time, if you want to cancel the account or use the card again, you must first make up the arrears. As long as there is money in the card, the bank will deduct the previous annual fee owed. In addition to annual fees, there are also small account management fees. Some banks have reduced or exempted small account management fees, and some banks will also charge them, usually on a quarterly basis, 3 yuan per quarter. If the balance in the "sleep card" If the amount is lower than the limit specified by the bank (300 yuan or 500 yuan), a small account management fee will be deducted.
5. However, canceling a credit card account is not that simple, and bank customer service will also try to find ways to prevent customers from canceling their cards. If a credit card is discarded due to inactivity, and someone with bad intentions knows your relevant information, they will use your information to activate it and swipe the card to overdraft. In this way, the card owner must bear all the consequences.
Newbies should pay special attention to the following points when using credit cards:
(1) If the card issuer offers special discounts for the first year to attract consumers to apply for credit cards, special attention must be paid to them. The offers in these promotions are usually short-term. Don’t be fooled by the moment. When choosing a credit card, you still have to give priority to long-term benefits.
(2) Avoid applying for more cards than you can afford. Evaluate your spending habits, needs, and financial situation before deciding which credit cards to choose.
(3). You must sign the new card immediately when you receive it, and cut the old card into pieces to avoid unauthorized use.
(4). You must keep your credit card safe and report the loss immediately if it is lost.
(5). Regardless of credit card or debit card, you must maintain a good credit record.
(6). Cash advance is convenient, but the price is high.
(7) Using revolving credit can help you manage your finances, but please note: Revolving credit is a type of credit loan that allows you to repay the entire consumption amount at once within the payment period. A portion of the amount is paid before each payment period, but interest must be paid additionally on revolving credit.
(8). Prevent credit card fraud.
(9) When changing your address or contact number, please notify the card issuer immediately.
(10). You don’t need to pay extra fees when you use your card to make purchases at special stores.
(11). If you are called by a collection agency because you have not paid, you are responsible for paying off the debt immediately. In serious cases, you will bear legal liability.
Reference: China Construction Bank International Internet Website