Mrding's health has always been very strong, and no one expected that he would die so early. After Mrding died, Jiang Dehua was very sad. She lives in a big house and is very lonely. Later, Jiang Defu and Anjie suggested that Jiang Dehua go to their home again, which was regarded as company. Then the three of them spent their old age together.
In a naval military region in Qingdao, the principal of the Naval Artillery School and his wife, Yang Tao, held a blind date dance for the officers, and devoted themselves to solving personal marriage problems for the older officers. Jiang Defu, a naval officer, is highly valued by Chairman Cong. Under the introduction of President Cong and his wife, I met young and beautiful Anjie at the dance and fell in love with her. In the face of Jiang Defu like a lout, Angie has no feeling.
Because Angie's family is not well formed, the whole family has been helped many times by Jiang Defu. Angie gradually discovers that Jiang Defu, who looks rude, is actually a witty and lovely person. She gradually accepted Jiang Defu's feelings and they got married. Jiang Defu and Anjie overcame the differences in birth, the disparity in education level, the harsh living environment and the survival dilemma in a special period, raised five children and went through ups and downs together for decades.