The price of common stocks is 10%, while the price of specially treated stocks, namely ST stocks, is 5%. Some stocks are not restricted by the daily limit on the first day of listing. The price limit refers to the situation that a futures contract has a buy (sell) declaration with a stop-loss price, a sell (buy) declaration without a stop-loss price, or a transaction is made as soon as a sell (buy) declaration is made, but the stop-loss price is not set within 5 minutes before the closing of the trading day.
First, the stock daily limit
Stock daily limit refers to the daily limit of each stock in order to reduce speculation in stock market trading. As far as the China stock market is concerned, the price limit of each trading day is 10%, and the daily limit of 10% is the daily limit, and it can't go up again that day. For the special treatment of ST shares, the daily limit can only rise by 5%. All price rises and falls are determined by the market value of the stock (that is, the expected return and corresponding risks of the stock) and are affected by the relationship between supply and demand.
Second, the money supply
From the perspective of money supply, if the state reduces the interest rate of banks to stimulate economic growth, the income of investment banks will decline, some funds will flow out of bank savings to find higher investment returns, and the money supply in the market will increase, and some will be invested in securities, mainly the stock market. For example, there are 654.38+000 billion yuan to buy 654.38+000 billion shares, and the extra 654.38+000 billion yuan flows into the securities market, but the number of shares remains unchanged, and the stock price will definitely rise. Therefore, the increase of money supply in the market will stimulate the stock market to rise. On the other hand, if the money supply decreases, the stock price will inevitably fall.
Asset reorganization refers to the reorganization of industrial capital, financial capital, property capital and intangible capital with the purpose of maximizing capital appreciation through the mutual adjustment and change of corporate property rights, investor ownership and creditor's rights of different legal entities.
The price limit system originated from the early foreign securities market. In order to prevent the price from soaring and plunging, curb excessive speculation and appropriately limit the price fluctuation of each stock on the same day, it is a trading system in the securities market. That is to say, the maximum fluctuation range of the trading price in a trading day is a few percent above and below the closing price of the previous trading day, and trading will stop after it exceeds.