I. Compromise of Wanli Kings Since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the rights of kings have been strengthened unprecedentedly, and all major events must be decided and agreed by kings. However, after Wanli came to power, it was impossible to set up any prince in many Wang Zizhong to cross the etiquette barrier. From this, we can easily find that the king can't do whatever he wants, but also let the princes know that they also have the capital to make the king compromise.
Second, during the period of national disputes, the three major court cases gradually formed a tripartite confrontation between the king and the courtiers. Later, less than three months later, in Zhu Changluo, Ming Guangzong was annexed? Red pills? Accidental death. However, in this case, it is actually the illness of the ministers that has delayed. After the incident, Li and others were secretly trained to expand his power in the court, so as to further strengthen his own power. After these events, although the vassals maintained their monarchical power, on the other hand, their political power was vaguely strengthened.
Third, before the Lindong Party fought for the country, the influence of Lindong Party was constantly expanding, and after Wanli came to power, the actual strategic initiative of the bureaucratic group was constantly strengthened, and the group gradually became corrupt. Often when dealing with an event, the king gives orders, while bureaucrats obey the sun and use their power to seek improper interests for themselves. At the same time, the burden is passed on to the people, so that the king thinks that such things are often not smooth because of the people, and taxes are increasing. The benefits flowed to bureaucrats.
After the dispute between countries, the monarchy was shaken to a certain extent, the dynasty was corrupt, and the court's affairs were only handled by the high court. Until the birthday of the Ming dynasty, the Qing dynasty also developed along the old road of the Ming dynasty.