Because there is a problem with the document during delivery, or there is an error in the image format conversion, it is generally recommended to change the document to gdf format.
Contact the school and ask if the online data can be corrected so that the paper that was later posted online (included in the database) is correct. Ask the editorial department if the electronic version can be modified. If so, can the electronic version of the revised paper be sent to you?
, go and reprint one yourself.
Sci paper proofreading is to check whether there are errors in the article.
After sci-fi papers are accepted, they need to be text-edited and typeset according to the journal's specific format. Unexpected errors will inevitably occur, which need to be discovered and corrected during the proofreading process.
If there is no proofreading, it is okay if the article has no errors. If there are errors, it will not only damage the author's reputation, but also cause more trouble and even affect the value of the paper.
Therefore, we must pay attention to proofreading. When proofreading SCI papers, pay attention to the following points.
1. Check whether there are any omissions in the content of the paper, and whether there are errors in the paper format and pictures.
2. Check word by word whether there are typos and whether the punctuation marks are used appropriately.
3. Read the entire text to check whether the sentences are smooth, easy to understand, and logical.
4. Check whether the full-text data is unified and consistent with the research results.
5. For papers linked to funds, check whether the fund number is missing or correct.
6. Check whether the author's name is missing and whether the ranking number is correct.
7. When checking, it is best to ask someone else to proofread it together to avoid the author's habitual mistakes.
8. Do not rewrite, add to or rewrite the manuscript.
9. If you need to add or delete references, don’t forget to correct the reference notes that need to be changed in the text.
10. Make a mark next to the error, and also make a note in the margin (left or right) closer to the correction target.
11. When returning the proofs, attach a correction letter explaining the corrections item by item.