The function orientation of Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index is mainly to provide market investors (especially institutional investors) with objective investment performance comparison benchmarks and indexed investment targets. Since its release, the index has always shown good market characteristics, and it has been verified in the stock market ups and downs in the past three years. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 index is adjusted once every six months. Reasonable adjustment range and scientific adjustment method ensure the overall quality, strong profitability and good performance of constituent stocks, and continuously improve the investment value of index portfolio. Since the release of Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 index, it has attracted more and more investors' attention. Innovative products based on SZSE 100 index have been continuously introduced, such as Rongtong SZSE 100 index fund, E Fund SZSE 100 index ETF, and SZSE 100 index trading platform launched by Jiangnan Securities Co., Ltd.. It provides conditions for Shenzhen Stock Exchange to further develop index derivatives. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 index with high popularity and maturity has begun to show a very broad prospect.
The SZSE 100 index launched by Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd. is the first stock index compiled, managed and released to the whole securities market by a neutral institution in the history of China securities market, which embodies the principles of fairness, openness, objectivity and transparency, and marks a historic step towards internationalization of China securities market. This is a beneficial exploration for China stock market to keep pace with the times and develop innovatively.