The Bee mainnet soft launch will take place on June 13, 2021.
Following this, the BZZ public token sale is scheduled to take place on June 14, 2021 via CoinList.
1.Bee client has been running for some time now, albeit without its cryptoeconomic features.
Fairdrive, Waggle,, Beefree, Ready Fighter One, Atelier Ludensis and other projects have adopted Swarm Network and used it for their apps.
2. The network is now ready for a full mainnet launch and deployment and distribution of BZZ tokens.
With the mainnet launch, the final step in the current development process of the Swarm network, BZZ tokens will be sold to the public via CoinList.
This is the final step in Swarm’s evolution – allowing the community to earn BZZ tokens and actively participate in the Swarm network at this early stage.
Register to participate at CoinList: Token sale details can be found on the CoinList exchange page.
3. Depending on the number of registrants and their qualifications, not everyone will have the opportunity to participate in the token sale.
The structure of the sale and token distribution is done in a way that optimizes the distribution of Swarm utility tokens to the majority of users.
If you are unable to participate in the CoinList sale, don’t worry, after the mainnet launch, there is expected to be a decentralized exchange that will allow interested parties to buy BZZ for DAI or sell BZZ for DAI.
For more information, please see the Coinlist page and related FAQs.
1.bee Bee Coin App is a very good virtual currency trading platform. In addition to bee coin transactions, this trading platform can also trade major mainstream currencies in the market. It is very safe and allows users to
Be able to trade with confidence.
Exchanges, projects or people currently offering tokens are not affiliated with the Swarm Foundation, and the Swarm Foundation does not endorse such activities prior to mainnet launch.
The Swarm Foundation does not participate in any exchanges regarding the BZZ list.
Private buyers will not be allowed to stake tokens before mainnet launch.
2. Beecom app is a secure transaction software specially built for Bee Coin. Beecom has the latest currency information. Through Beecom, users can quickly understand the price changes of Bee Coin, conduct safe transactions, and obtain profits.
Beecom users earn Bee through three roles: miners, introducers and verifiers in the Bee game world.
In order to make Bee valuable, we strive to build the Bee game world into a real interpersonal network and promote players to use Bee as a trading medium for goods, services and knowledge in real life, and will eventually list Bee on a cryptocurrency exchange.
Let users use Bee to make transactions.