Changxin Li Yin Fund is an open-end fund, and its net value is one of the important indicators for investors to buy the fund. Net value refers to the residual value of assets held by each fund after deducting liabilities, and the investment income of the fund can be understood through net value. For investors, it is very important to know the net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund.
What is Changxin Li Yin Fund? Xinyi Li Yin Fund is a money market fund managed by Changxin Fund Management Co., Ltd., which mainly invests in financial instruments with high liquidity, such as government bonds, central bank bills and money market instruments. The investment goal of Changxin Li Yin Fund is to pursue stable income while keeping low risk.
The significance of the net value of the fund The net value of the fund is a reference index when investors buy the fund, which reflects the asset value and investment income of the fund. The change of fund net value reflects the investment performance of the fund, and investors can evaluate the investment income of the fund by observing the change of fund net value. If the fund's net value continues to grow, it means that the fund's investment performance is good; If the net value of the fund continues to decline, it means that the investment performance of the fund is poor.
How to inquire about the net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund is very simple. Investors can make inquiries through the following channels:
Log in to official website, Changxin Fund Company, and find the entrance of fund net value inquiry on the website. Enter the code or name of Changxin Li Yin Fund to find the latest net value of the fund. Use the fund trading platform for inquiry. On the fund trading platform, enter the fund code or name to query the latest net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund. Consulting fund sales organizations. If an investor has an account manager of a fund sales organization, he can directly check the latest net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund. Factors affecting the net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund The net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund is affected by many factors, mainly including the following aspects:
Changes in interest rates in the money market. Money market interest rate is the investment target of Changxin Li Yin Fund. When the money market interest rate rises, the net value of the fund may decrease. Conversely, when the money market interest rate drops, the fund's net value may rise. Income from the fund's portfolio. The net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund is also affected by its portfolio income. If the financial instruments invested by the fund have good returns, the net value of the fund may rise. Fund management fee. Fund management expenses are the expenses needed for fund operation, including the salary and sales expenses of fund managers. The increase of fund management fees will have a negative impact on the net value of funds. Changes in market supply and demand. The net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund will also be affected by the relationship between market supply and demand. If the subscription amount of the fund is greater than the redemption amount, the net value of the fund may rise; Conversely, if the redemption amount is greater than the subscription amount, the net value of the fund may decline. The net value of Changxin Li Yin Fund is an important indicator for investors to know the investment income of the fund. Investors can know the investment performance of Changxin Li Yin Fund in time by inquiring its net value, so as to make reasonable investment decisions.