How much is the trademark registration fee?
1 trademark 1 application fee+agency fee. You can choose 10 goods or services. If it is less than 10, 300 yuan official fee will still be charged. If it exceeds the 10 category, the official will charge the fees according to the 30 yuan/category.
How much does it cost to register a trademark every year?
There is no annual fee for trademarks, and the fee is paid in one lump sum! Once the registration is successful, the guarantee period is 10 years, and there is no charge for this 10 year. 10 years can be renewed.
How to renew a trademark after it expires?
After the expiration of the validity period of a trademark, a trademark agency may be entrusted to file with the Trademark Office or directly go to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office to handle the trademark renewal business. Prepare the application documents, submit the application documents and pay the renewal fee.
Three steps of application:
(1) Preparation of application documents
The application documents to be submitted are:
(1) trademark renewal registration application.
(2) the applicant's identity certificate (copy).
(3) Submit the power of attorney of the entrusted agent.
(4) a copy of the registration certificate.
(5) If the application documents are in a foreign language, a Chinese translation signed and confirmed by the translation agency shall also be provided.
(2) submit an application.
1. If the applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall, after the application is ready, submit it in the acceptance window of the trademark registration hall, and the staff at the window will confirm whether the application is qualified.
2. Where a trademark agency is entrusted, the trademark agency shall serve the application to the Trademark Office.
(3) Payment of renewal fee.
The above is the related content of "how much is the trademark registration fee" introduced by intellectual property rights. If you have any other questions about trademark registration, please consult our intellectual property consultant for free.
How much does it cost for a trademark registration agency to register a trademark?