Recently, Squier guitars have become more and more popular among guitar enthusiasts. A small number of profit-seeking dealers and manufacturers have colluded with each other to mix some fake Squier electric guitars and electric basses into the market. harming the interests of consumers. Every consumer hopes to buy a genuine product at a reasonable price, so how to identify the authenticity of a Squier guitar? A real Squier instrument is well-made overall, with a glossy paint finish, a smooth feel, no thorny frets, and a sense of weight. The counterfeit Squier guitars are very rough in terms of material selection and workmanship, and their feel and appearance are not very good. Squier's background: The only Squier BULLET series produced and sold domestically by the American Fender Company adopts the Fender-designed headstock style. The unique features of each Squier are 1. The Squier mark on the winding button: on the headstock. The backs of the six tuners are all stamped with the steel-stamped trademark Squier2. Fender text certification mark: The back of the headstock of each Squier has text certification, which clearly states that this is a genuine Fender product, designed in the United States. Produced in China. 3. Pickups with the Squier trademark: There is a silver imprint of Squier by Fender on the pickup shell (the grooves are printed with silver words instead of direct printing on the flat surface). This pickup is produced under the authorization of EMG, and it is also the only pickup type 4 in China approved by EMG. The metal baffle has a Squier stamp: On the back of the connection between the neck and the body, the metal baffle has the Squier imprint. The above are some identification methods. The price should be around 800 when buying, otherwise it will be expensive