Poultry meat products belong to the 2901 group of Class 29 of the trademark classification; according to statistics from Lubiao.com, there are 10 registered trademarks for poultry meat products. How to choose other minor categories when registering: 1. Choose to register (pork products, group number: 2901) There are 2 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 20% 2. Choose to register (beef products, group number: 2901) There are 2 trademarks in this category, and the registration ratio reaches 20%. 3. Choose to register (raw and cooked meat, group number: 2901). There are 1 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 10%. 4. Choose to register (preserved meat, group number: 2901) There is 1 trademark in the category (No.: 2901), and the registration ratio reaches 10%. 5. Choose to register (sausage, group number: 2901). There is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 10%. 6. Choose to register (bacon, group number: 2901). There is 1 trademark in the category (Group No.: 2901), and the registration ratio reaches 10%. 7. Choose to register. There is 1 trademark in the category (Spicy Beef, Group No. 2901), and the registration ratio reaches 10%. 8. Choose to register There is 1 trademark in the (sausage, group number: 2901) category, accounting for 10% of the total.