Uniqueness: Trademark registration usually requires that the trademark has certain uniqueness and can be distinguished from other trademarks in related fields. If "big kiln" is too common or common in your category, it may affect the uniqueness of the trademark.
Similarity: If the existing trademark contains words similar to "Dayao" or similar to "Dayao" in sound, form and meaning, it may lead to similarity of trademarks, which may lead to rejection of registration.
Category: The category of goods or services involved is also an important consideration. If your trademark belongs to the same or similar category as the existing trademark, it may increase the risk of similarity.
Geographical factors: Sometimes, geographical factors will also affect trademark registration. If the "big kiln" is universal in a specific area, it may need attention.
Trademark retrieval: Before applying for trademark registration, it is very important to conduct a comprehensive trademark retrieval. Through trademark search, we can evaluate whether existing trademarks contain similar words and their registration status.
In order to ensure that the trademark can be registered, it is recommended that you consult a professional trademark agent or lawyer, who can provide detailed suggestions according to your specific situation and make appropriate trademark search and modification when necessary. Please note that the success of trademark registration may be different according to the laws and regulations of different regions and the criteria of the Trademark Office.
The above contents were carefully arranged by Zhu Bajie. Com, I hope I can help you.