In fact, Belle's topping activity itself is not selling fakes, because there is no need for counterfeiting, and the original purchase price is already very low. Why do you have to sell fakes? If there are fakes in the store, most of them are sold to you by the shopping guide. There are also many real and fake online stores. People who know can see the truth at a glance, but people who don't know can't. In addition, the pairs of shoes you bought are all discounted goods, and discounted goods are generally available. There is no warranty for clothes, but shoes are usually discounted because of the long factory time. Generally, customers think that only old styles will be discounted, but the real reason is that shoes are made of plastic for a long time, plastic will age with time, glue will also age, and the quality will decline.
That's why the merchants will sell them at a discount, and there is no warranty at the same time. So you said that the shoes discounted in Tao Bo have no quality at all, which is absolutely true. Just like supermarkets often have discounted food, it depends on how many days the shelf life is, because it usually expires soon. Besides, in fact, quality is not the selling point of big brands. I never think that Nike and Adidas are expensive because of their good quality, but because of the word "comfortable".