Whether a registered trademark is used by others as a trademark of a different commodity is an infringement depends on whether the registered trademark is a well-known trademark. If it is a well-known trademark, if it is used as a trademark by other different or similar products, even if it is infringement, you can ask the other party to prohibit its use and bear the corresponding liability for compensation. If a registered trademark is not a well-known trademark and is used by other different products, it does not belong to infringement. According to Article 13 of China's Trademark Law, a trademark applied for registration on the same or similar goods belongs to a well-known trademark copied, imitated or translated by others, which is likely to cause confusion, so it is not registered and prohibited to use. Where a trademark applied for registration on different or dissimilar goods is a well-known trademark registered by others in China, misleading the public and possibly harming the interests of the registrant of the well-known trademark, it shall not be registered and its use shall be prohibited.