01 Look at the trademark application time
The earlier the trademark is applied for, the higher its value will be. The earlier an "old trademark" is registered, the longer it has been used and its popularity will be higher. "Old trademarks" are "more popular as they get older".
02 Look at the goods and service categories of the trademark
The goods and service categories of the trademark are divided into 45 categories, including popular categories and unpopular categories. Generally speaking, trademarks in popular categories are difficult to successfully register due to the large number of registrations, so the value of such trademarks is relatively higher. For example: Category 25 (clothing, shoes and hats), Category 30 (convenient food), Category 3 (daily chemicals), Category 9 (electronic computers), Category 20 (furniture), Category 35 (advertising sales) wait.
03 Look at the product items in the group
In the past, when people registered trademarks, in order to "spend more and do more", they would try to expand the scope of the trademark group and reduce the number of product items. Although such trademarks have a wide range of groups, they have relatively few product items, and the price-performance ratio of the trademarks is not high. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose those trademarks with a large number of groups and product items
04 Check the term of the exclusive right of the trademark
The term of the exclusive right of the trademark is ten years. The applicant can continue to obtain the exclusive right to the trademark through renewal. Therefore, the longer the trademark exclusive rights are, the higher its value will be. After all, no one wants to spend money to buy a trademark and then have to spend money to renew it immediately.
05 Look at the trademark registration process
Generally speaking, the more administrative reconsideration procedures there are in the registration process, the less stable the trademark is and the smaller its value. The more normal administrative procedures (such as renewals, changes, etc.) in the registration process, it means that the trademark is frequently used, has good stability, and the higher its value is.