To handle trademark transfer in Chongzuo, the applicant needs to entrust a professional agency. A professional agency has several important reference conditions. Today Bajie will sort out the necessary requirements for Chongzuo trademark transfer agency for you. , friends in need can be used as a reference.
1. Registration information:
Has the agency registered with the Trademark Office? Only agencies that have registered are qualified to act as agents for trademark business.
2. The survival time of the agency company:
If you have been operating for many years, you can rest assured. Do not look for a company that has just been established. Trademark registration generally takes more than a year to obtain the registration certificate. , if the small agency cannot continue to operate and goes bankrupt, the trademark applied for by the applicant will be unable to be recovered.
3. Number of trademark agents:
The more trademark agents you have, the richer your experience will be.
4. It depends on the scale of the agency:
Large agency companies will have many branches distributed in different regions.