(c) copyright koei co., Ltd. 24
March, 24
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how to read this file
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the official name of windows 98 is Microsoft windows 98 operating system.
※ the official name of windows me is Microsoft windows Millennium edition operating system.
the official name of windows 2 professional is Microsoft windows 2 professional operating system.
the official name of windows XP is Microsoft windows XP operating system.
※Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
※ In addition, the company names and trade names recorded in this paper are registered trademarks or trademarks of various companies.
※ The terms used in this article are based on "Start general tasks of folders" under "Folder Options" in Windows XP operating system.
if your operating system is Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2, the names of icons or buttons may be different.
-----------. ------------------------contents
1. When the CD is put into the CD-ROM drive, the startup screen will not be displayed.
2. Failed on the way to install the game.
3. failed in the preparation stage of installation.
1. When the CD is put into the CD-ROM drive, the startup screen will not be displayed.
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2. Failed on the way to install the game.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
3. failed in the preparation stage of installation.
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if other software is being installed at the same time, please end the other installation programs first.
if this is not the case, please try the following steps.
(1) please start the command prompt or MS-DOS mode. Please
select "Command Prompt" from "Start" under "All Programs" and "Accessories".
※ in windows 98, please select "MS-DOS mode" from "start".
※ in windows me, please select "MS-DOS mode" from the program set under "ancillary applications" at the start.
※ In Windows 2 Professional, please select "Command Prompt" under "Accessories" at the Start.
(2) after Entering the following text, press the "enter" key.
msiexec /unregister
※ if the message "Bad command or file name" appears,
please Enter the following text and press the "enter" key.
cd system