The .TM international trademark domain name has officially landed in China. .TM is the abbreviation of TradeMark (trademark). .TM (TradeMark) is also a country-specific domain name, which is the country of Turkmenistan. As an alternative domain name, .TM is also a domain name specifically targeted at corporate trademarks, and has therefore become the focus of major corporate brand strategies. At the same time, this is the application of the company's existing physical trademark on the international Internet, maintaining the consistency of the company's physical trademark and the trademark on the Internet. Because it has the same value and meaning as traditional trademarks, the .TM international trademark domain name has also been valued and recognized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and is strongly supported and protected. [1]
The Internet greatly affects the future of enterprises. Owning a trademark domain name can clearly express the enterprise's trademark brand on the Internet, and is the most favored domain name by commercial companies. one. On the other hand, the .TM domain name has no restrictions on registrants. In addition, TM is the abbreviation of (TradeMark) trademark, so the .TM domain name has great market potential.
TM is the logo of a trademark. Whenever a trademark is used, it is an international practice that must be used to distinguish and characterize the trademark. You must also know that the Internet greatly affects the future of every business. So how to identify, express, and protect your trademark domain name on the Internet? is to register a *.TM domain name. Of course, if your domain name is not your trademark or is not intended to be used as your brand, there is no need to do this. But it’s worth reminding that this behavior is often short-sighted. All cases of domain name disputes show that the cost of subsequent recourse is dozens of times higher than the cost of prior protection.
Registration Rules
1. Individual registration is allowed
2. Submit information: personal ID card is enough
3. Minimum two persons Domain names containing two characters are reserved by the registry
4. Two-character ISO3166 country codes and country names are reserved by the registry
6. There must be no illegal characters at the beginning or end such as:-, +, @, &, spaces, etc.
7. The registration price is generally: 12,000~30,000 yuan for 10 years. It must be registered for 10 years, synchronized with the trademark.
8. Authoritative registration agencies: Ruiminda Network Technology Co., Ltd., Xinwang, etc.
Domain name level classification
National domain names can be divided into different levels, including Top-level domain names, second-level domain names, third-level domain names, etc.