Is the Maoshuang trademark of Shengshi Langhonghua Wine genuine Langjiu in 211?
is genuine. In addition to trademarks, they can also be identified by checking the outer packaging, anti-counterfeiting labels and anti-counterfeiting codes. Shengshi Lang Honghua Wine is produced in Sichuan Province, and it is a fine wine produced by Sichuan Gulinlang Winery. This product is extracted from the nectar of Langquan by the master brewer, aged with yellow mud, specially selected high-quality raw and auxiliary materials, and aged with pottery jars for 7 years by using wonderful and unique techniques handed down from generation to generation and combining with high technology. This shengshilang wine has the characteristics of elegant aroma, mellow and harmonious, sweet and refreshing, long aftertaste and full body.