almale village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Dorate, Tori County, Tacheng District, Xinjiang, with the urban-rural classification code of 22. The zoning code is 654224224, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 654224. The postal code is 834, the long-distance telephone area code is 91, and the license plate number is new G. Al Mal Village is adjacent to Sayebak Village, Baigetobe Village, Hujirtai Village, Jumabai Village, Garang Ashi Village, Baitingqi Village, Gamat Village, Dorate Village, Taklegen Village, Aksai Village, Jiyeke Village, Garbas Village, Kalasu Village and Dongguleke Village.
There are tourist attractions such as Toli County Ecological Park, Shazi Lake, Eurasia Heart, Laofengkou Ecological Zone, Baluke Mountain Primitive Forest Park Scenic Area, etc. There are guinea fowl, Xinjiang brown cattle, Tacheng turkey and other specialties.