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Looking for 100 English words, with phonetic symbols, Chinese meaning, and usage such as (Take sth to sb)

accurate ['1kjurit]

a. Accurate, precise

accuse [4'kju:z]

v. Accusation, accusation, accusation

accustomed [4'k8st4md]

a. Habitual, habitual (to)

ache [eik]

acquaintance [4'kweint4ns]

n.1. Acquaintance, acquaintance, understanding 2. Acquaintance, acquaintance

acquire [4'kwai4]

< p>v. obtain, obtain, learn

adequate ['1dikwit]

a.1. Sufficient, sufficient 2. Appropriate, competent

< p>adjective ['1d9iktiv]

n. Adjective

adjust [4'd98st]

v.1 adjust, change... to suit 2. Correction, adjustment

admire [4d'mai4]

v. Admiration, appreciation, envy

admit [4d'mit]

v.1. Admit, confess 2. Allow... to enter, allow... to join

adopt [4'd3pt]

v.1. Adopt 2. Adopt, adopt , adopt

adult ['1d8lt]

n. Adult a. Adult, fully grown, mature

advance [4d'v2: ns]

v.1. Advance, move forward 2. Make progress, improve n.1. Advance, progress 2. Advance, advance

advanced [4d'v2:nst ]

a. In front, advanced, advanced

advantage [4d'v2:ntid9]

n.1. Advantage, advantage, advantage Factor 2. Interest, benefit

adventure [4d'vent54]

n.1. Adventure, adventure activity 2. Adventure

adverb ['1dv4:b ]


advertisement [4d'v4:tizm4nt]


advice [4d 'vais]

n. Advice, advice, opinion

accurate ['1kjurit]

a. Accurate, precise

accuse [4'kju:z]

v. accuse, accuse, accuse

accustomed [4'k8st4md]

a. accustomed, habitual ( to)

ache [eik]

acquaintance [4'kweint4ns]

n.1. Know, get acquainted, understand 2. An acquaintance, acquaintance< /p>

acquire [4'kwai4]

v. Acquire, acquire, learn

adequate ['1dikwit]

a.1. Sufficient, enough 2. Appropriate, competent

adjective ['1d9iktiv]

n. Adjective

adjust [4'd98st]

v.1 adjust, change... to suit 2. correct, adjust

admire [4d'mai4]

v. admire, appreciate, envy

admit [4d'mit]

v.1. admit, confess 2. allow... to enter, allow... to join<


adopt [4'd3pt]

v.1. adopt 2. adopt, adopt, adopt

adult ['1d8lt]

n. Adult a. Adult, fully grown, mature

advance [4d'v2:ns]

v.1. Advance, move forward 2. Acquire progress, improvement n.1. advance, progress 2. advance, advance

advanced [4d'v2:nst]

a. in front, advanced, advanced


advantage [4d'v2:ntid9]

n.1. Advantage, advantage, favorable factor 2. Benefit, benefit

adventure [4d'vent54]

n.1.Adventure, adventurous activity 2.Adventure

adverb ['1dv4:b]


advertisement [4d 'v4:tizm4nt]

n. (=ad) Advertisement

advice [4d'vais]

n. Advice, advice, opinion

advise [4d'vaiz]

v.advice, notice, suggestion

affair [4'fA4]


affect [4'fekt]

v.1. influence 2. [emotionally] like

afford [4'f3:d]

v.1. Affordable, affordable 2. Provide, give

afraid [4'freid]

a.1. Fearful, fearful 2. Worried , unhappy

Africa ['1frik4]

n. Africa

African ['1frik4n]

a. African, African n. African

after ['2:ft4]

prep. After..., after... ad. After, later conj. After. ..afternoon [`2:ft4'nu:n]

n.afternoon, afternoon

again [4'gein]

ad. Once again, again

against [4'genst]

prep.1. Lean on, close to 2. Go against, oppose (right), violate 3. Compare with...

age [eid9]

n.1. Age 2. Era, period v. Getting older

agency ['eid94nsi ]

n.Agency (office), agency

agent ['eid94nt]

n.Agent, agency

ago [4'g4u]

ad. previously

agree [4'gri:]

v. agree, agree

agreement [4'gri:m4nt]

n.1. Agreement, agreement, contract 2. Agreement, agreement

agriculture ['1grik8lt54]

n. Agriculture

ahead [4'hed]

ad. in front, forward, in advance

aid [eid]

n. 1. Help, aid 2. Assistant, auxiliary means v. Help, aid

aim [eim]

v.1. Aim..., aim... 2. Dedicate to, aim at n. 1. Aim, aim at 2 target, purpose

air [A4]

n. air, atmosphere, sky v. ventilation

airline ['A4lain]

n.1.Airline 2.(

aircraft's) route

airplane ['A4plein]

n. aircraft

airport ['A4p3:t]

n. airport ,airport

alarm [4'l2:m]

n.1.frighten 2.alarm v.1.frighten 2.alarm to...

alike [4'laik]

a. Same, similar

alive [4'laiv]

a.1. Alive 2. Vibrant, active 3. Existent

all [3:l]

a.1. All, all 2. All pron. All, everything ad. Completely, all

allow [4'lau]

v.1. Allow, allow 2. Agree to

almost ['3:lm4ust ]

ad. Almost, almost

alone [4'l4un]

a.1. Alone, lonely 2. Unique ad.1. alone, alone 2. only, only

along [4'l36]

prep. along ad. forward

aloud [4'laud ]

ad. Loudly, loudly

alphabet ['1lf4bet]

n. Alphabet

ad. Already, Already (already)

also ['3:ls4u]

ad.1. Likewise 2. And (also)

although [3:l' 04u]

conj. Although, although

altitude ['1ltitju:d]

n. height, altitude

altogether [` 3:lt4'ge04]

ad.1. Completely, completely 2. In summary, in short 3. In total***

always ['3:lweiz]

ad.1.Always, without exception 2.Always, always

amaze [4'meiz]

v. To greatly surprise, to astonish< /p>

America [4'merik4]

n. America, the United States

American [4'merik4n]

a.1. , American 2. American n. American, American

among [4'm86]

prep. (-st) in..., in. ..between

amount [4'maunt]

n. quantity, amount, total v.1. total, ***total 2. equal, close (to)< /p>

amuse [4'mju:z]

v.1. To amuse, to make you laugh 2. To provide entertainment for...

an [4n,1n]< /p>

art.1. (non-specific) one (one) 2. (one (one) among similar things) [equivalent to any]

analyse ['1n4laiz]< /p>

v. analysis, decomposition

analysis [4'n1l4sis]

n. analysis, decomposition

analyze ['1n4laiz]

v. analysis, decomposition

ancient ['ein54nt]

a. ancient, ancient

and [4nd,1nd]< /p>

conj.1. And, and, and 2. Then, then 3. Continuously, again

anger ['16g4]

n. Anger, anger v .to make angry, irritate

angle ['16gl]

n.1. angle, angle 2. angle, point of view


y ['16gri]

a. 1. angry, angry 2. (wind, waves, etc.) violent

animal ['1nim4l]

n. animal, beast, livestock a. animal, beast

announce [4'nauns]

v.1. announce, declare 2. claim

annoy [4'n3i]

v.1. To annoy, to trouble 2. To disturb

anxious ['16k54s]

a.1. Anxious, worried 2. eager, eager

pron 1. [in negative, interrogative, conditional sentences] anything

apologize [4'p3l4d9aiz]

v. (to for) Apologize, admit mistake

apology [4'p3l4d9i]

n. Apologize, admit mistake

apparent [4'p1r4nt]

a.1. On the surface, seemingly (real) 2. Obviously, clearly

appearance [4'pi4r4ns]

n.1. Appearance , appearance 2. Appearance, appearance

appetite ['1pitait]

n.1. Appetite, appetite 2. Desire, hobby

apply [4'plai ]

v.1. Apply, request 2. Apply, apply, apply

appoint [4'p3int]

v.1. Appoint, delegate 2 .Agree, specify (time, place)

appreciate [4'pri:5ieit]

v.1. Pay attention to, appreciate 2. Make a correct evaluation of... 3. For gratitude

approach [4'pr4ut5]

v. approach, approach n. 1. approach 2. approach, entry 3. way, method

< p>appropriate [4'pr4upri`it,4'pr4uprieit]

Appropriate, appropriate, proportionate

approve [4'pru:v]

v.1. Approval, agreement, praise 2. Approval, approval

approximate [4'pr3ksimit]

a. Approximate, approximately v. (to) Approximate, close

April ['eipr4l]


area ['A4ri4]

n.1.Area 2.Area , region 3. field, scope

argue ['2:gju:]

v.1. argue, argue 2. put forward reasons, (attempt to) prove

< p>argument ['2:gjum4nt]

n.1. Argument, argument 2. Reason, argument

arise [4'raiz]

v. 1. Appear, occur 2. Caused by, originated from

arithmetic [4'ri7m4tik]

n. Arithmetic

arm [2:m ]

n.1. Arm, arm-like object 2.[pl.] n.Weapon, type of arms

army ['2:mi]

n .1. army, army 2. large group, large number

around [4'raund]

ad.1. around, in the vicinity 2. everywhere 3. about prep. in. ..around, near...

arouse [4'rauz]

v.1. Cause, arouse, arouse 2. Arouse

arrange [4'reind9]

v.1. Arrange, plan 2. Organize, organize, arrange, arrange

arrest [4'r


v./n. Arrest, detain

arrival [4'raiv4l]

v.1. Arrival, arrival 2. Arrival, arrival Object

arrive [4'raiv]

v.1. Arrival, arrival 2. Coming 3. (at) Arrival, achievement

arrow ['1r4u ]

n.1. Arrow, arrow-shaped object 2. Arrow symbol

art [2:t]

n.1. Fine art, art 2. Technology, skill 3.[pl.] Liberal Arts

article ['2:tikl]

n.1. Article, paper 2. Clause, Article 3. Article 4. Article

artificial [`2:ti'fi54l]

a.1. Artificial, artificial, man-made 2. Fake, artificial

artist ['2:tist]

n. Artist, artist

as [4z,1z]

conj.1. When..., in the same time 2. Like..., in the way of..., like... 3. Because, due to 4. So that prep. as, as ad. Likewise, in the same way

ash [15]

n. Ash, ashes

Asia ['ei54]

n. Asia

Asian ['ei54n]

a. Asian, Asian n. Asian

aside [4'said]

ad. beside, to ( or to) side

ask [2:sk]

v.1. Ask, ask 2. Request, demand 3. Invite, invite

asleep [ 4'sli:p]

a. Asleep

aspect ['1spekt]

n.1. Aspect 2. Appearance, appearance

assemble [4'sembl]

v.1. assembly, assembly 2. assembly

assign [4'sain]

vt.1 .(to) assign, select 2. allocate, arrange (job) 3. specify (time, place, etc.)

assignment [4'sainm4nt]

n.1. (assignment (of) task, (specified) operation 2. Assignment, batch assignment

assist [4'sist]

v. Help, assistance

assistant [4 'sist4nt]

n.1.Assistant, assistant 2.Assistant a.Assistant, auxiliary

associate [4's4u5ieit]

v.1 .to combine 2. association n. partner, partner a. deputy

association [4`s4u5i'ei54n]

n.1. Association, society 2. Union, combination, communication

assume [4'sju:m]

v.1. Assume, assume 2. Undertake 3. Present, take

assure [4'5u4]

v.1. To make sure, to reassure 2 to... assure

astonish [4s't3ni5]

< p>v. to surprise

astronaut ['1str4n3:t]

n. astronaut

Like, like, the same as...

at [1t,4t]

prep.1. In..., on... 2. On... Time 3. Toward, toward 4. [indicating price, speed, etc.]

Atlantic [4t'l1ntik]


a. n. [the~] of the Atlantic Ocean

atmosphere ['1tm4s`fi4]

n.1. Atmosphere, atmosphere 2. Air 3. Atmosphere 4. Atmospheric pressure

atom ['1t4m]

n.1. Atom 2. Particle, trace

attach [4't1t5]

v.1. Tie, stick, install, connect 2. Make it a part, make it attached 3. Make it attached

attack [4't1k]

v.1. Attack, attack , attack 2. (wind, rain, disease, etc.) attack n.1. attack, attack, attack 2. (disease) sudden onset

attempt [4'tempt]

v. /n. Attempt, try

attend [4'tend]

v.1. Attend, participate 2. Take care of, care 3. (to) concentrate on, devote to


attention [4'ten54n]

n.Attention, pay attention

attitude ['1titju:d]

n.1. Attitude, View 2. Posture

attract [4'tr1kt]

v. Attract, attract the attention of..., attractive

attractive [4'tr1ktiv ]

a. Attractive, attracting attention

audience ['3:dj4ns]

n. Listener, viewer, reader

august ['3:g4st]

n. August

aunt [2:nt]

n. aunt, aunt, aunt, aunt , aunt

Australia [3s'treilj4]

n. Australia, Australia

Australian [3s'treilj4n]

a.1 .Australian (person) 2. n. Australian in Australia

author ['3:74]

authority [3: '73riti]

n.1.[pl.]Authority; 2. Power 3. Official 4. Expert 5. Administrative agency

automatic [`3:t4'm1tik]

a. Automatic

automobile ['3:t4m4ubi:l]

n.(=auto) car

autumn [ '3:t4m]

n.Autumn, autumn

available [4'veil4bl]

a.1. Available, available 2. Reachable, accessible

avenue ['1v4nju:,'1vinju:]

n. Boulevard, street

average ['1v4rid9]< /p>

n. average, average a. ordinary, usual v. average

avoid [4'v3id]

v.avoid, avoid


awake [4'weik]

a. Awake v. Wake up, make awaken

award [4'w3:d]

n. Award, prize, certificate v. award, give

aware [4'wA4]

Aware of, know

away [4'wei ]

ad. stay away, leave

awful ['3:ful]

a. 1. Make people feel awe, terrible 2. Extreme , extremely bad

awkward ['3:kw4d]

a.1. Clumsy, clumsy 2. Embarrassing, tricky 3. Inconvenient to use

B.C. ['bi:


n. (abbreviated) BC

baby ['beibi]

n. baby

back [b1k ]

ad.1. backward 2. return to the original place, return to the original state 3. return, return n. back, back, behind a. behind, behind v. retreat, retreat 2. support< /p>

background ['b1kgraund]


backward ['b1kw4d]

ad. backward, in the opposite direction a. 1. backward, backward 2. backward, making slow progress

bad [b1d]

a.1. bad, not good 2. serious, powerful 3. Corrupt

badly ['b1dli]

ad.1. Bad, poor, clumsily 2. Seriously, severely

bag [ b1g]

n.1. bag 2. wallet

baggage ['b1gid9]

n. luggage

bake [beik]

v.1. Bake, bake, roast 2. Burn hard, dry (bricks, pottery, etc.)

balance ['b1l4ns]

v .1. To balance 2. Weigh n.1. Balance, weigh 2. Balance, equalize 3. Balance, balance

ball [b3:l]

v.1. ball , ball 2. (grand, formal) dance

balloon [b4'lu:n]

n. balloon

banana [b4'n2: n4]


bank [b16k]

n.1. bank, inventory 2. bank, embankment

bar [b2:]

n.1. Bar room, counter for selling alcohol (or food, drinks) 2. Strip, block, pole 3. Fence, column v. Block, block

< p>barber ['b2:b4]

n. barber

bare [bA4]

a.1. Naked, without clothes, Unhatted 2. Bare, uncovered 3. Mere, bare v. Exposed, exposed

bargain ['b2:gin]

n.1. Transaction 2. Special offer v. Bargaining

base [beis]

n.1. Base, base 2. Base, based on v. (on) to establish... on. ..Basically

basic ['beisik]

Basic, basic

basin ['beisn]

n.1 .Basin, washbasin 2. basin

basis ['beisis]

n. basis, according

basket ['b2:skit]

n. Basket, basket

basketball ['b2:skitb3:l]

n. Basketball

bat [b1t]

< p>n.1. Racket 2. Bat

bath [b2:7]

n.1. Bath, bath 2. Bathtub v. [English] bath

bathe [bei0]

v.1.[美] bathe, bathe, (light) filled

bathroom ['b2:7rum,'b2:7ru:m]

n.1. Bathroom 2. Washroom

battery ['b1t4ri]

n.Battery (pack)

battle [ 'b1tl]

n. Battle, battle, struggle v. Combat, struggle

bay [bei]

n.1. (of the sea or lake) Bay 2. The depression of the mountain range

be [bi:,bi]


1. Is, is 2. Expresses, means 3. Is equal to, value 4. Becomes, becomes 5. In, exists aux.v.1. [Used with the present participle of the verb to form various progressive tenses]

beach [bi:t5]

n. Beach, lake beach, river beach

beam [bi:m]

n.1. (light) beam, column 2. beam

bear [bA4]

n. bear v.1. Endure, tolerate 2. Burden, bear 3. Bear (fruit), Give birth to (child)

beard [bi4d]

n. beard

beast [bi:st]

n.1. beast , wild beasts, livestock 2. ferocious people, disgusting people

beat [bi:t]

v.1. (continuously) beat, strike 2. ( heart, etc.) beating 3. defeat, defeat n.1. (heart, etc.) beating (sound) 2. rhythmic tapping (sound)

beautiful ['bju:t4ful]

a.Beautiful, beautiful

beauty ['bju:ti]

n.1.Beauty, beautiful 2.Beauty, beautiful thing

because [bi'k3z]

conj. Because

become [bi'k8m]

v. become, become, begin to become

bed [bed]

n.1. bed, bed position 2. (seedling) bed, altar 3. (river) bed, (lake, sea) bottom

bee [bi:]


beef [bi:f]


beer [bi4]< /p>


before [bi'f3:]

prep.1. (referring to time) before... 2. (referring to location) in ...before 3. (referring to order, importance, etc.) before..., before conj. before... ad.1. earlier 2. before, in the past

beg [beg ]

v.1. beg, beg 2. plead, request

begin [bi'gin]


beginning [bi'gini6]

n.beginning, beginning

behalf [bi'h2:f]


behave [bi'heiv]

v.1. behave well, show 2. (machine, etc.) operation

behaviour [bi'heivj4]

(= behavior)n.1. Behavior, behavior 2. (machine, etc.) operating conditions

behind [bi'haind]

prep. Behind..., (legacy) ...Behind, behind ad. Behind, backward, behind

being ['bi:i6]

n.1. Existence, survival 2. Biology, people

belief [bi'li:f]

n.1. Believe 2. Belief 3. Belief 4. Creed

believe [bi'li: v]

v.1. Believe, believe 2. Think, guess

bell [bel]

n. Bell, bell

belong [bi'l36]

v.1. (in terms of classification) belongs to, should be classified into 2. (to) (in terms of ownership, relationship, etc.) belongs to

below [bi'l4u]

prep.1. [referring to the position] below...

belt [belt]

n. belt, belt

bench [bent5]

n. Bench,


bend [bend]

v. to bend n. to bend, bend

beneath [bi'ni:7]

< p>prep. Under..., under... ad. Below

benefit ['benifit]

n. Benefit, benefit v. Beneficial, benefit

beside [bi'said]

prep.1. Beside..., near...2. Compared with...

besides [bi'saidz]

ad. Moreover, in addition prep. In addition to...

best [best]

a. The best ad. The best, the most

bet [bet]

v. Bet, bet with..., bet with... n.1. Bet 2 .bet, bet

better ['bet4]

a. better, better ad. better

between [bi'twi :n]


beyond [bi'j3nd]

prep.1.Between (or to) )..., farther than 2. Later than 3. Beyond ad. Farther away

Bible ['baibl]

n. "Bible"

bicycle ['baisikl]

n. bicycle

big [big]

a. big, huge 2. important, significant of

bike [baik]

n. bicycle

bill [bil]

n.1. bill 2. list, list 3. Paper money, banknotes

billion ['bilj4n]

num.1.[US, France] billion

bind [baind]

v. bundle, tie, tie

biology [bai'3l4d9i]


bird [b4:d]

n.Bird, poultry

birth [b4:7]

n.1. Birth, delivery 2. Origin 3. Origin, root

birthday ['b4:7dei]


bit [bit]

n.A little, some, a piece

bite [bait]

v./n. bite, sting

bitter ['bit4]

a.1. Painful 2. Bitter taste< /p>

black [bl1k] 2.dark

blackboard ['bl1kb3:d]< /p>


blame [bleim]

v.1. Blame, blame, blame 2. (on, onto) blame, put... blame n.1. (fault, accident, etc.) responsibility 2. blame, blame

blank [bl16k]

a.1. blank, empty 2. blank of, expressionless n. 1. blank 2. blank form, blank space

blanket ['bl16kit]

n. blanket, blanket

blind [ blaind]

a.1. Blind, blind 2. Blind v. Make blind

block [bl3k]

n.1. Block, Street section 2. Large block (wood or stone, metal, ice) 3. Obstacle, obstacle v. Blockage, blockage

blood [bl8d]

n.1. Blood , blood 2. bloodline, family status


w [bl4u]

v.1. blow, blow 2. blow 3. blow 4. explode n. blow, blow, beat

blue [blu:]

a.1. blue 2. (skin, etc.) blue-gray 3. depressed, melancholy n. blue

board [b3:d]

n.1. Board, plank, cardboard 2. Committee, board of directors 3. (referring to including meals) food 4. Shipside v. On (ship, car, plane)

boast [b4ust]< /p>

v.1. Boast, boast, brag 2. Be proud of possessing...n. Boast, brag

boat [b4ut]

n. boat, boat

body ['b3di]

n.1. body, body, main body 2. corpse 3. object 4. (1) group, batch

boil [b3il]

v. boil, boil

bold [b4uld]

a.1. Brave, fearless 2. Reckless 3. bold, bold

bomb [b3m]

n. bomb v. bombing, bomb drop

bond [b3nd]

n.1. connection, connection 2. adhesive, adhesive 3. public debt, bond

bone [b4un]

n.bone, bone

< p>book [buk]

n. book, book v. estimate, order (theater tickets, tickets, rooms, etc.)

boot [bu:t]

< p>n.Boots

border ['b3:d4]

n.1. Side, edge, boundary 2. Boundary, frontier v.1. Border with, adjacent to 2. Close to

bore [b3:]

v.1. To bore, make boring 2. drill (hole), dig (well), dig (channel) n. annoying person (or thing)

born [b3:n]

a .1. Born, produced 2. Born

borrow ['b3r4u]

v. Borrow, borrow

boss [b3s]

n. Boss, superior v. Command, give orders

both [b4u7]

pron. Both (both), both sides (both) a. Both... (both), two... (both)

bother ['b304]

v.1. to disturb, to trouble 2. to worry, to worry n. to worry, to be anxious


bottle ['b3tl]

n. bottle

bottom ['b3t4m]

n. bottom, bottom

bound [baund]

a. 1. Certain, inevitable 2. Bound, obligated 3. (for, to) Prepare to go to..., drive to (or drive v. jump towards)..., bounce

bowl [b4ul]

n. bowl, bowl

box [b3ks]

n.1. Box, box 2. Box v. Boxing

boy [b3i]

n. boy

brain [brein]

n.1. Brain, [pl.] intelligence

branch [br2:nt5]

n.1. Branch, branch 2. (institutional) Division, semicolon 3. (of a discipline) Branch, branch

brand [br1nd]

n. Trademark, (of a commodity) brand v.1. To brand on, to To hit (mark) with a soldering iron 2. To engrave..., to engrave on

brave [breiv]

a. brave

bread [bred]

brave [breiv]


n. bread

break [breik]

v.1. Break, break into pieces 2. Damage, destroy 3. Destroy, violate 4. Suspend, interrupt n. (break, work break) break time

breakfast ['brekf4st ]

n. Breakfast v. Breakfast

breath [bre7]

n. Breath, breath

breathe [bri:0 ]


brick [brik]

n.1. brick 2. brick-like object

bridge [brid9 ]

n. bridge, bridge

brief [bri:f]

a. short, concise v. make a brief introduction to...

bright [brait]

a.1. bright, sunny 2. smart, clever 3. cheerful

brilliant ['brilj4nt]

a.1. Glorious, brilliant 2. Outstanding, outstanding

bring [bri6]

v.1. Bring, bring 2. Cause, cause

Britain ['brit4n]

n. Britain, Britain

British ['briti5]

a. (Great) British (people), British (people) n.[the~]

broad [br3:d]

a.1. Wide, broad, Broad 2. Extensive 3. Tolerant

broadcast ['br3:dk2:st]

n./v. broadcast, broadcast

brother [ 'br804]

cabbage ['k1bid9]

n. cabbage, cabbage

n. 1. rope, cable 2. cable, submarine cable 3. telegraph v. Send a telegram

cake [keik]

n. Cake, cake, cake calculate ['k1lkjuleit]

v.1. Calculate, calculate 2. plan, plan

calendar ['k1lind4]

n. calendar, monthly calendar

call [k3:l]

v.1 .Called, called 2. Called, shouted 3. Called n. 1. Called, shouted 2. Visited 3. (once) telephone, talked on the phone

calm [k2:m]

a.1. Calm, windless 2. Calm, calm v. Calm, calm

camel ['k1m4l]

n. Camel

camera ['k1m4r4]

n. camera

camp [k1mp]

n. camping, camp, tent v. Set up camp, camp

campaign [k1m'pein]

n. campaign, campaign

campus ['k1mp4s]

n. (University) campus

can [k1n,k4n]

aux.v.1. can, will 2. can 3. may n. can

Canada ['k1n4d4]


Canadian [k4'neidj4n]

a.1. Canadian 2. Canadian n. Canadian< /p>

canal [k4'n1l]

n.1. Cancel, undo 2. Delete, cross out

cancel ['k1ns4l]

< p>n.1. Cancel, undo 2. Delete, cross out

cancer ['k1ns4]


candidate ['k1ndideit]

n.1. candidate, candidate

Supplementary person 2. Applicant, applicant for job application

candle ['k1ndl]

n. Candle

cap [k1p]

n.1. Hat, cap 2. Cap, cover, cover, cover

capable ['keip4b4l]

a. capable, talented

capacity [k4'p1siti]

n.1. Capacity, capacity 2. Capacity

capital ['k1pitl]

n.1. Capital , capital 2. capital 3. capital letter a. main, basic

captain ['k1ptin]

n. 1. leader, leader 2. captain, captain v. lead, command

capture ['k1pt54]

v./n. capture, capture

car [k2:]

n .car,car

carbon ['k2:b4n]


card [k2:d]

n. Card, card, business card, letter

care [kA4]

v.1. care, mind 2. like, be willing n.1. be careful, pay attention to 2. take care of, care< /p>

career [k4'ri4]

n. career, occupation, experience

careful ['kA4ful]

Careful, careful

careless ['kA4lis]

Careless, negligent

cargo ['k2:g4u]

n. Ship cargo, Cargo

carpet ['k2:pit]

n. Carpet

carry ['k1ri]

v.1. Transport, carry, carry 2. convey, transport