2. Use the pen tool or magic wand and other selection tools to pick out the area you want to pick.
3. Set the color of the fill. The default is black before and white after. Press the X key to quickly switch the foreground and background colors.
You can use the eyedropper tool to absorb the color you want to fill, or click the left mouse button on the foreground or background color block to bring up the color swatch and re-select the color.
4. Press the shortcut key ctrl+j to copy the selected area by one layer, and set the foreground color and background color.
5. Load the copied layer into the selection, press the shortcut key alt+delete to fill the foreground color and ctrl+delete to fill the background color.
6. You can modify the fill layer to achieve various effects.
Extended data
Select the shortcut key of the tool _
You can quickly select tools in the toolbox by pressing the shortcut key. The alphabetic shortcuts for each tool are as follows: _
Check box -M, move -V, lasso -L, magic wand -W_, spray gun -J, brush -B, pencil -N, rubber stamp -S_, history brush -Y, eraser -E, blur -R, fade in and out -O_, pen -P, text -T, and so on.
Default foreground and background color -D, switch foreground and background color -X_.
Edit mode switch -Q, display mode switch -F_.
In addition, if you hold down the Alt key and click the displayed tool icon, or hold down the Shift key and repeatedly press the letter shortcut key, you can cycle through hidden tools.
How to adjust the color after PS matting? 1, the computer opens Photoshop, a new piece.
2. Pictures to be edited in 2.PS.
3. Take the puppy with a pen, tool or channel.
4. After the puppy is buckled out, click the half-black and half-white icon at the bottom of the layer, and then select the hue/saturation option.
5. Bring up the hue saturation interface, and you can adjust hue and saturation according to your own requirements.
6. Finally, the adjustment effect of the puppy.