Trademark registration class 35 is a category in the international classification system (Nice Classification), used to cover various goods and services in advertising, business management, office affairs and commercial activities.
Specifically, Class 35 includes the following goods and services related to advertising, commercial and office activities:
Advertising, publicity and promotion
Business Management and business consulting
Business surveys and business research
Business information and business data analysis
Market research and market analysis
Business operations Management and organization
Business development and business agency
Business intermediary and business brokerage
Business information and business intelligence
Business exhibitions and business Conference organization
Business planning and business management consulting
Human resources management and human resources consulting
Business management software and business management tools
Class 35 trademark registration is applicable to enterprises and individuals engaged in advertising, business management, marketing and other commercial activities. When registering a trademark, the applicant can choose to classify its goods or services into Class 35 and clearly specify this class in the trademark application documents.
It should be noted that trademark classifications may vary from country to country and region. It is recommended to refer to local trademark regulations and trademark registration office guidelines when applying for a specific trademark to ensure the correct selection and application of an appropriate trademark. category.
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