Normally, there are many trademarks that can be applied for in our country. After we apply for the trademark, we can use the trademark for commercial purposes. So what is the cost of applying for a trademark in Japan? Regulations? Below, in order to help everyone better understand the relevant legal knowledge, I have compiled the following content, I hope it will be helpful to you.
How much is the Japanese trademark fee (a) Japanese trademark registration application fee: 3,400.00 yen 8,600.00 yen/category; (b) Japanese trademark renewal application fee: 38,800.00 yen ; (c) Japanese defense trademark registration application fee: 6,800.00 yen 17,200.00 yen/category. (d) Application fee for renewal registration of Japanese defensive trademark: 33,400.00 yen. (e) Japanese trademark opposition registration application fee: 3,000.00 yen, 8,000.00 yen/category; (f) Japanese trademark review fee: 15,000.00 yen, 40,000.00 yen/category. (g) Japanese trademark rights transfer registration fee: 30,000.00 yen. Application fee: 6,000 yuan Inquiry: 1,000 yuan Applicant qualifications: Both natural persons and legal persons can apply for trademark registration. A trademark applicant must be a person who uses the trademark on goods or services related to his or her own business, or who plans to use the trademark in the future. Therefore, when applying for a trademark, you must fill in your business scope.