Perfume is an item that can make a person or the environment smell better. As a kind of cosmetics, perfume is mostly used on personal image and in personal presence. On important occasions or related places, you can use perfume to enhance your presence. How to choose the category of perfume trademark?
You can still get some information by searching in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia. The category of perfume trademarks is Category 3-0305-Spices, essential oils-Oils for making spices and perfumes 030118; 0306 - Cosmetics (excluding animal cosmetics) - Perfume 030135, etc. Because the perfume itself has its own fragrance, it will make people feel relaxed and happy when they smell it.
There are actually many things to pay attention to when transferring trademarks, and before this, there have actually been a lot of texts describing this aspect, so what I want to talk about now is actually about the things to pay attention to when transferring old trademarks. Because the concerns about a newly registered and approved trademark are actually different from the concerns about a trademark that has been registered and used for a period of time. What are the specific differences?
Let’s talk about the trademark category first. The value of this category is actually based on the category required by the transferee. Among these 45 categories, there are naturally popular categories and some unpopular categories. Popular ones such as Category 3, Category 25, Category 33, etc. The longer the trademark is used, the greater the value of the trademark because more people know about it. The difference in value between unpopular categories in the market is actually not big.
The validity period of a trademark must not be ignored. Starting from the day of approval, the validity period of a trademark is usually ten years. The trademark can be renewed within 12 months before the expiration of ten years. For trademarks that have a validity period but have been used for a long time, when transferring, you should pay more attention to the approval time and calculate how long it will take before the validity period expires. If the expiration date is approaching, the transferee can urge the transferor to renew the trademark before transferring it.
In fact, you need to know that the time of trademark registration is also a comparison of the influence of the trademark in the market. Trademarks registered early will have greater consumer awareness, while trademarks registered later will naturally have a smaller audience. Some. Unless there are special cases.
As a trademark that has been approved for a long time, many of the registered contents are related to issues of deadline and influence. Therefore, when companies inquire about this relevant information, they must also communicate with the assignor to negotiate. The interests involved should be transferred openly and transparently by both parties.